Over the years I have written and released several pieces of software, most frequently for users of GNU/Linux. Here is a brief summary of the most popular, useful, and mature projects.
asql allows you to query logfiles, created by Apache/nginx, via SQL.
- Chronicle
Chronicle is a static-blog generator, written in perl, used to build my blog, and supports commenting.
- LUA code
This is probably a little obsolete, but I continue to enjoy the Lua language & ecosystem.
- node-reverse-proxy
This is a flexible reverse-HTTP proxy, written in javascript to run under node.js - by visiting this site you're using it right now!
- redisfs
A replication-friendly filesystem, written using FUSE, which stores all files/directories in a redis store.
- Publishr
A golang file upload and hosting utility, perfect for sharing files with friends.
- Templer
A static-site generator, which converts a series of files and directories into a HTML website. Templer is used to build this site, as well as many others I host.
- Xen-Shell / Xen-Tools
I created these two related projects, but now they are now hosted elsewhere with new maintainers.
This site also contains several jquery plugins, and code specific to the qpsmtpd project.
I no longer develop software for Microsoft Windows, or even use it. These links remain solely for historic interest.