


This collection of pages is designed to fully demonstrate how you'd use Templer, to generate a website.

A templer site is created by a collection of input files, and a layout file.

The general course of processing involves:

  • Reading each input page.
  • Expanding variables/content.
  • Inserting the rendered content into the layout.

A site itself then consists of a series of input pages (i.e. your content) and at least one layout. An input page might well decide to use a different layout which is just fine.

Quick Links

Site Structure

A brief discussion on site-layout.

A Page

What is a page? What can I do with it?.

Variable expansion

Demonstration of simple variable expansion.

Conditional variables

How to have conditional parts of your layout.

Variables containing file contents

A variable can contain either a literal value or the contents of a file.

Variables matching filenames

A variable can also be used to create a loop, based on a glob pattern. Ideal for creating a gallery, for example.

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