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One of the biggest misconceptions about body piercing is how it is actually performed, a lot of people seem to think that it is done with a gun similar to the one used for ear piercing, piercing is usually performed with a special piercing needle.
Most piercings are performed in a similar way, this text intends to describe, how they are performed. All piercings are not the same, and every piercer does tend to do things in their own way, so this is not a diffinative guide to piercing procedure.
The first thing that is usually done is the choosing of the jewelry, and ensuring that the client isn't suitably relaxed. After this the area that is going to be pierced is cleaned, with either a disposable wipe or a spray and a wipe. The cleaning might involve the shaving of the area.
For example some piercers will shave part of the eyebrow off before it is pierced, whilst others will not.
After the area is cleaned the next thing that will happen is the area to be pierced will be marked, so that the jewelry can be placed in an aesthetically pleasing way. For example, most people will not want to have their lip pierced slightly off centre when they asked for it to be done in the middle!
After the area is marked, (usually in two places, entrance and exit), then a small clamp can be applied to the area. The clamp serves several purposes; If the area is to be frozen, or numbed, the clamp will isolate that area, and help the aneasthetic work faster. Alternatively if the area is not being numbed at all then the slight pressure of the clamp will reduce the blood flow through the area to be pierced, and produce a mild numbing action. The clamp also holds the skin in place, so that the piercing can easily be made through the markings applied earlier.
When the clamp has been applied then the piercing can be performed. The piercing needle is usually an intravenous canulae, a needle with a plastic sheath surrounding it. The needle is passed through the site, and then withdrawn, leaving the hollow plastic sheath in place.
With the plastic tubing in place the clamp can be removed, and the jewellry can be inserted through the tubing, which is then withdrawn. When the jewellry has been fastened the whole thing is over!
Most piercings are performed in less than a minute from the clamp being applied, the whole process is very quick, and painless - Even if the area is not frozen.
Once you have your new piercing it is a good idea to look after it well, and not to try lifting weights with it straight away - but thats a subject for another day...